Inspo, Life

How I’ve Learned to Embrace Winter

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I live in a province where the favourite past-time is talking about the weather which also means complaining about winter! While it’s true I live where it gets so bitterly cold our face hurts from exposure and we have to plug in our cars so they will start, it does seem ridiculous to complain about where we live for 4 or 5 months of the year.

Last year, a friend and I made a pact that we would NOT complain about winter and I have to admit, it hasn’t been that hard to embrace this season. Admittedly, it has been a relatively mild winter up until the last couple of days but I have been working on changing my mindset and finding activities that make winter more enjoyable.

In Scandinavia, the Danish have a word for embracing and enjoying the cold. Hygge (pronounced hoo-guh) is the pursuit of joy and coziness even during the dark and cold days of winter which, much like Canada, can be for several months of the year.

Tromsø, Norway is so far north that the sun doesn’t fully rise over the horizon from late November to late January yet their incidents of seasonal depression are significantly lower than other parts of the world. Researchers who have studied the people living in Tromsø have discovered that winter is highly anticipated and celebrated by the Norwegians.

So, what can we do to change our minds about old man winter and give the poor guy a break? Start by noticing its beauty as well as recognizing everything that we don’t get to experience in the other three seasons. Here is a list of 10 things I have come to love about winter.

10 Things I Love About Winter

  1. Hoar Frost– have you ever experienced a morning walk when the hoar frost has coated the trees? Seriously breathtaking!
  2. Red Wine– let’s face it, a glass of a full-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon, a bold Shiraz or a spicy Pinot Noir on a cold winter evening is like a warm hug. See some of our favourite reds here.
  3. Snow– there are no two snowflakes that are the same. Each one is uniquely complex and beautiful.  Snow sparkles like diamonds on a bright sunny day or when the light of the moon dances across the earth’s white blanket. I’ve found the crunching of snow beneath my boots while out for an evening stroll is surprisingly comforting and let’s not forget to notice how beautiful a heavy snowfall looks through the window while snuggled up indoors sipping a hot apple cider. Have you ever noticed how a fresh snowfall seemingly silences the universe?
  4. Sun Dogs and Sun Halos– while the old-timers grumble that sun dogs signify cold weather ahead, rather than focusing on the forecast, simply appreciate the beauty of these light bursts in the sky. I mean, they are pretty cool if you ask me.
  5. Winter Fashion– cozy sweaters, wool socks, adorable toques (I’m Canadian, eh!) and fashionable scarves make dressing for winter super fun. We spent Christmas in Quebec City a couple of years ago and I LOVED planning outfits that would keep me warm but not have me looking like I just stepped out of an ice fishing shack while walking down Rue du Petit Champlain.
  6. Warm Drinks– sure, you can drink hot chocolate, toddies and vin chaud in the summertime but let’s be honest, they taste WAY better in front of the fireplace or around a bonfire on a cold winter evening.
  7. Guilt-Free Couch Days– spending a day binge-watching Netflix when it’s storming or a deep freeze outside can be done relatively guilt-free. You can even stay in your flannel pajamas all day if you want because no one’s coming over for a visit during a blizzard.
  8. Snow Days– it’s probably bad to admit this but I love getting snowed in! With the power of the internet and a work laptop, I can get A LOT accomplished in my sweats on the couch when there is no chance my car is going to make it out of our yard.
  9. Comfort Food– a hearty stew or tangy chili tastes amazing after a day playing outdoors. Plus, the aroma of these delightful dishes as they simmer away in your slow cooker or Dutch oven is quite comforting.
  10. A Hot Holiday– I know this is a tad contradictory but a getaway to the Caribbean in the dead of winter is far more exciting and highly anticipated during the winter than any other season. It’s a welcome escape from the cold for a week or 10 days where you can thaw out, recharge, and return to embrace the final months of winter before the earth begins to wake up in the spring.

Deciding winter can be an enjoyably warm and cozy season is an excellent mindset shift but that bathing suit and super cute sundress you bought during the American Eagle Boxing Week sale is NOT going to fit in June if we spend the winter in our cozy Smash+Tess romper drinking vin chaud and eating chili while binge-watching The Crown and Grace and Frankie.

There are so many fun winter activities we can bundle up for and enjoy during the winter months.  After all, as the Norwegians say, “there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing!”

There’s snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, skating, ice fishing, tobogganing, and snowmobiling. But there are also outdoor winter activities that you can do in your own backyard.

We have committed to simply taking our dog for a 30-minute walk a few times a week. Or, if the wind is blowing too hard for an enjoyable walk down a grid road in the bald prairie, simply playing with him outside in the shelter of our yard for a few minutes gives us some fresh air and physical activity that we know boosts our mood.

When’s the last time you built a snowman, made a snow angel or had a snowball fight? Trust me when I say that all three of these winter activities will bring you great joy and don’t cost a thing!

So, while mother nature gets her rest, let’s find the beauty and opportunity that lies within the winter months. Sure, the frigid temperatures and lack of sunlight can lead to stress and lethargy but it doesn’t have to. It’s all about our mindset! The next time you or someone you know complains about winter, shift your thinking and choose a more optimistic response instead. My dad likes to say, “well, at least there are no mosquitos.” Which is such a Saskatchewan thing to say, but it’s true! Change your mindset and winter may just become a little less depressing. I for one refuse to allow that many months of the year rob me of my joy and gratitude.

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    1. says:

      This is a great post, and a great attitude to have! I struggle with SAD so I always try to find the god in winter weather as well.

      I also LOVE Hoar Frost, it is SO beautiful. And you’re right, there are plenty of fun things to do outside during the winter, and it can be such a pretty time of year. Thanks for your positivity!

      1. says:

        I’m so glad you agree! And yes, Hoar frost is one of nature’s masterpieces, in my opinion. I’m glad you’re finding things to be grateful for during these cold, dark months.

        1. Nannette says:

          This is a wonderful post. Winter in Sask is beautiful and we are so fortunate to experience this change in weather, no matter how extreme it may be! Thank you for the reminder:)

    2. says:

      You and I share moving from city living to the farm. Did you notice it’s colder on the farm?…lol… and although I haven’t embraced the winter chill yet, thank you for sharing some ideas to perk me up. I’ll try NOT to complain… no guarantees tho 🙂

      1. says:

        Haha! That is fair. It was REALLY hard not to complain about the deep freeze we were in last week. It’s definitely colder out on the bald prairie with a wicked prairie wind. Thanks for leaving a comment!

    3. says:

      Such great reminders and an awesome outlook! When I was teaching, I loved the snow days; and now that I have kids, I love the snowy days that we can go play outside. Watching them be in awe of nature reminds me of just how beautiful it is.

      1. says:

        It truly is beautiful and so fun to play in! Thanks for leaving a comment!

    4. Tosha says:

      I dread the winter every year, but I want to take your approach to appreciating the beauty in this weather. I love the way you made something I hate sound not soo bad.

      1. says:

        I hope you are finding the beauty in winter! Thanks for leaving a comment.

    5. says:

      Heck yes! Cozy couch days, warm drinks, red wine.. totally the things I can embrace about winter! It’s a nice season to have for a few months but I’m glad I don’t live in the cold full time!

      1. says:

        Winter makes Spring look like a rock star! 🙂 Thanks for leaving a comment!

    6. says:

      Sounds amazing and you have convinced me!! But I really could not imagine living where you so. I live in Australia where the sun shines pretty much all year and a short day in the winter is still around 9 hours of sunshine!

      1. says:

        I’ve been to Australia in the winter and it’s glorious. Don’t let my description scare you, I think everyone needs to visit Canada at least once during the winter. It truly is beautiful. Thanks for leaving a comment!

    7. says:

      Until it becomes newsworthy, I try not to complain about winter. (I am in the Chicagoland area.) Your ideas should help make that easier! Thanks!

      1. says:

        I like your standard! It was really hard not to grumble about -40 Celsius last week but I dug deep. 🙂 Thanks for leaving a comment.

    8. says:

      Love this! So true – we get 6 months of snow ❄ where I live, so looking at the beauty and using this time to focus on these 10 things to live about it makes sense! Thank you!

      1. says:

        You are so welcome! I hope you are finding the beauty in these cold days! 🙂

    9. says:

      It is so great how you changed your mindset to see the positive in a usually easy concept to be negative about. It gets cold where I am but definitely not to the level you get. Lots of credit to you… you didn’t just change your mindset and force “like winter” on yourself… you found the beauty in winter. You made me a follower!

      1. says:

        Thank you so much for leaving a comment and thanks for following along. 🙂

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